www.cbsnews.com – Frank Spencer homicide: Pennsylvania murder victim’s friends say Maria Spencer made good on her vow to kill – CBS News

Maria Spencer repeatedly threatened to kill her ex-husband and enlisted her father to help make good on her promise — why couldn't anyone stop her?

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description Maria Spencer repeatedly threatened to kill her ex-husband and enlisted her father to help make good on her promise — why couldn't anyone stop her?
keywords pennsylvania, Maria Spencer, shooting, Rocco Franklin, murder, wiseguy, Frank Spencer
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Frank Spencer homicide Pennsylvania murder victim’s friends say Maria made good on her vow to kill CBS News Hours Evening This Morning CTM Saturday Minutes Sunday Face The Nation CBSN Originals GO Episodes Crime Bios About Murder PA woman repeatedly threatened ex-husband and enlisted father help make promise mdash why couldn’t anyone stop Jun Correspondent Peter Van Sant Facebook Twitter Reddit Flipboard Spencer’s Vow Kill Produced by Sarah Prior story first aired November It was updated June a beloved businessman found dead at the front door of his Bloomsburg home in July He shot twice dog truck were missing day body Most Frank’s immediately suspected ex-wife They knew had been threatening for years We it didn’t know who else might have involved But we friend Deanna Reed told correspondent After contentious divorce break-in fires homes mother girlfriend he man walking me where going happen be house Derk said friend’s even how would She ‘you’re gonna get head nbsp him that Paul Siciliano Maria’s threats no one able Police district attorney they did all could before within limits law Investigators Anthony Rocco Franklin according police reputation having ties mob planned death Spencers’ finalized just three weeks earlier is classic femme fatale says Senior Deputy Attorney General Tony Forray An attractive seductress when becomes with this end poorly Added How If you into movie tomorrow nobody believe actually happened A VOLATILE RELATIONSHIP Tuesday once easygoing town Joe Yodock lifelong hadn’t heard from since I working go-karts right middle big series We’re trying win And I’d texting because issues work raced together their kids so morning went looking find buddy I’ll never forget pulling down driveway thought hope don’t When lying floor took moment process what seeing look peace calmness long time hellip stepped over legs noticed looked like dried blood ear Now realized wasn’t alive loss somebody kindergarten can put words emotional No Nope tragedy but not mystery loved ones former wife officially become want proceedings drawn out very You tell there venom matter She’d fly screaming slamming car doors Ironically passion things attracted place Sicilano liked crazy beginning fun kind wild side eloped Soon son Cyrus then daughter Frankie biggest priority Everything about retired family business junkyard located behind childhood Katie everybody mean seem warm life way disappointed she taking much an interest State Ron Romig marriage eventually began crumble filed called several times domestic disputes Despite wanted keep shouldn’t punished go mother’s or father’s your So week live here Then leave should try as stable possibly anything In arrested after scuffle daughter’s school charged disorderly conduct harassment child endangerment allegedly buckling Tom Leipold prosecuted case assistant D feel prove agreed dismiss charge exchange plea two other offenses pleaded guilty pay fine judgment only seemed fuel rage sometimes people reporting those local Sgt Scott Traugh issue ndash ‘s relationship volatile Hemlock Township officer fight often reconcile wrote up them pursued documented sake something By battle along still far emotionally moving Did hit off away Julie Dent both admit smitten same meeting each met through mutual soon turned serious take news well especially spent children MARIA SPENCER VOICEMAIL TO JULIE DENT FEBRUARY Hey it’s do mistake watch my situation escalated further That summer tough guy released prison serving five fraud charges started changing habits jail concerned happening being hunted Yes few months Rocco’s release Nothing value taken pile records stolen documents potentially income apparent received phone call saying trash bag porch these Remember now though DA may sound bizarre allowed part-time prosecutors terms appearances understand some troubling she’d run-ins Doesn’t compromise contact involvement any criminal involving undertook represent None Many burglary Sergeant interviewed gathered evidence which Leipold’s boss consulted reviewed entire determined enough pursue against gave lawyer ultimately returned left unsolved we’re weird universe wonder if ever stopped saw next guess burned isn’t game anymore CAMPAIGN OF TERROR winter War Spencers continued favor Don’t Do between doing I’ve really chalked bully running mouth harass too making veiled He’s old got funny ways let cause care frighten voicemails Angry pr tried normal January romantic trip Caribbean aware vacation Unfortunately yes loves disappoint u ur year night supposed asked dinner talk custody room hotel lured lived flames rushed scene including Joel Wiest Nobody upset thinking fire Fortunately empty except kids’ died standing smoldering ruins drove smiling Drives Smirk face Turned around arrived state marshal certain set arson structure destroyed designated undetermined Office extremely angry figure done wanting arrest approached think enforcement community investigation file spoke marshal’s conclusion little strong suspicion I’m expert that’s taunt text Karma wonderful thing allott sic better whole makes fair hear followed another menacing will loose job read distraught As grew more bold public At soccer screamed Julie’s later alone asleep breaking glass came top stairs round corner greeted fireball literally coming What open window roof jumped second survived shaken uninjured lost everything sole intent burn Or also component ridding different county hoping outcome point accepting ruled insurance sent inspector showed they’d There carjack laying ground scissor jacket lift jack It’s heavy steel used break investigator path weeds milk jug gallon container unused road flare igniter are makings firebomb back apparatus determine accelerants gasoline steps shared prior again fall separating briefly desperation paper year-and-a-half newspaper announcement finally divorced Had talked spending rest lives perhaps notice published FOLLOWING THE EVIDENCE Corporal Shawn Williams assigned lead Luzerne County DA’s see Det lot doorway striations it’d pushed push broom attempt clean has frozen our chemical testing spattered frame Right Can us inside Sure closed tiles arms outstretched above clue section removed forensic service unit collection footwear impressions tile Footprints FBI analysis Dr Scholl’s model Escape brand size sneaker bloody footprint style wore shoe known wear show come main living kitchen stuck services glove yellow cleaning position expect mate sink gloves tested DNA slam close definitely helped Detective apparently linked fact assume investigators uncovered suspects guns bullet struck outside rifle passed bicep chest cavity Was fatal Since typically long-distance weapon expanded search woods ridge across you’ll Y tree there’s base shooter’s location casing rounds soft gun killing height hillside covered leaves bushes seen attacker wouldn’t ambush dragged handgun range Why motivation hatred message meant someone solve pickup victim vehicle checked security cameras roads near images driving minutes calculated murdered United States Secret Service zoom Sunbury miles led toward WEDDING CRASHER Barbara Pinto run wedding venue Dauphin killed On setting uninvited guest wandered sudden appeared Weimaranian beautiful sashaying Well whose Mutley adopted Exhausted -mile journey somebody’s driven person must many killers unless learned Harrisburg cell direct route theorizes accidentally refused Williams’ surprise Which blows mind decided However likes cat mouse part give alibi Said traveled while without helping tidy preposterous folding laundry That’s Even far-fetched test drive offered buy suggested wrestle Basically he’s touched sounds create scenario places Absolutely Around talking stands high football sat beside worry disrespect goes you’re dad hi Like basically almost nose Oh last wretched huge piece She’s putting herself breath she’s autumn prosecutor senior deputy general Commonwealth Prosecutor horrible handling prosecution recused himself aghast threat crime terroristic ask investigate reported brought interview blatant People members Department properly investigating complaints true Every incident thoroughly investigated nature Columbia during most leading Gary Norton texts usually arrests consultation power exercised Dent’s Norton’s ignore theft following Is Because proof entered premises Before ethically bring beyond reasonable doubt felt crimes gather convened grand jury interrupting question threaten Her answer Check count perjury counts than dozen importantly under God warrant issued nowhere JUSTICE AT LAST lifted weight thousand pounds skipped fleeing finished testimony Within hours boarded plane country Colombia South America hot trail Not -month start department four blocks Embassy Buenos Aries Argentina sort easy Sort operative term Argentinian fought extradition trial totality strength horror history defense blame own strategy bad Cameras One stand admission testified disturbing specific remember plain cut hands dip tar cauterize hold lasted nine days its deliberation worried Could stupid Yeah scared Eight reached verdict react waiting seems eternity murdering arsons conspiracy sentenced parole plus discuss Yodok thank gosh Thank ROCCO FRANKLIN cuffs coat REPORTER Mr Of course ridiculous argued script beef broke ago doesn’t appear holding grudge hurt girl outrageous innocent They’ve Show fingerprint eyewitness rsquo s ldquo violent g plenty shoeprint arrival dumb steal whack Take Come four-day convicted affair needed differently experienced epic failure significant arresting either Former There’s code circumstances analyze yourself faith secure conviction prosecute reacted best conscience clear regrets Out courthouse serves judge fundraising brick purchased dedicated can’t raised sister copy Interactive Inc All Rights Reserved Photos Inside college student Aniah Blanchard monster hiding sight resort Opposite coasts similar gunman connected cases Evidence photos Reuschel 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