www.history.com – What Goes on at Area 51? – HISTORY

Some have connected the site with the alleged government coverup of an alien spacecraft crash. But if that’s not true, what is?

Page Meta Tags

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twitter:description Some have connected the site with the alleged government coverup of an alien spacecraft crash. But if that’s not true, what is?
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sailthru_author History.com Editors
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What Goes on at Area HISTORY Live TVShowsThis Day In HistoryScheduleTopicsStoriesVideosSpeeches amp AudioHISTORY PodcastsHistory HomeShopAd ChoicesAdvertiseClosed CaptioningCopyright PolicyCorporate InformationEmployment OpportunitiesFAQ Contact UsPrivacy NoticeTerms of UseTV Parental GuidelinesRSS FeedsAccessibility SupportPrivacy Settings ShowsThis HistoryScheduleTopicsStories HistoryScheduleTopicsStoriesUpdated Jan Original Some have connected the site with alleged government coverup an alien spacecraft crash Others claim moon landing was filmed there If that’s not true what is Author History com EditorsThough you can see complex x s buildings in satellite images it doesn t appear any public U S maps For decades conspiracy theorists and UFOlogists speculated that uses secret Nevada to experiment extraterrestrials their spacecrafts xA a incident which supposedly crashed near Roswell New Mexico even claimed staged right desert Skeptics may find all this hard believe but if then really goes READ MORE Inside Test Your Knowledge Real Over years CIA Air Force aerospace company Lockheed Martin used as staging ground for test flights experimental aircraft k C black D According documents declassified home top-secret Cold War-era program known Oxcart aimed develop spy plane would be undetectable air could information gathering missions behind Iron Curtain The Archangel- eventually developed A- travel speeds more than miles hour take clear pictures objects from altitude feet Other well-known tested include successor SR- Blackbird well F- Nighthawk stealth fighter late height Vietnam War personnel began evaluating covertly obtained foreign pilots flew these found or reverse-engineered re-creations mock sorties around airspace Top Secret Spy Planes Developed From traveling Mach- undoubtedly resembled some people idea look like helping explain why so many reported UFO sightings skies above over Such along secrecy surrounding Groom Lake fueled rumors swirling helped create mystery retains today second season Project Blue Book airs Tuesdays c By Editors FACT CHECK We strive accuracy fairness But something doesn’t click here contact us reviews updates its content regularly ensure complete accurate SIGN UP FOR Twice week we compile our most fascinating features deliver them straight RELATED CONTENT ‘s Most Outrageous Plane ProjectsSettlement Stonehenge Back YearsDoes Hangar Legendary Alien Warehouse Exist Really Happened Yuri Gagarin First Man Space Into Hot Tamale Ad Support copy A E Television Networks LLC All Rights Reserved

www.history.com – Chernobyl: Disaster, Response & Fallout – HISTORY

Chernobyl is a nuclear power plant in Ukraine that was the site of the worst nuclear accident in history when a routine test went horribly wrong on April 26, 1986.

Page Meta Tags

description Chernobyl is a nuclear power plant in Ukraine that was the site of the worst nuclear accident in history when a routine test went horribly wrong on April 26, 1986.
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Chernobyl Disaster Response amp Fallout HISTORY Live TVShowsThis Day In HistoryScheduleTopicsStoriesVideosSpeeches AudioHISTORY PodcastsHistory at HomeShopAd ChoicesAdvertiseClosed CaptioningCopyright PolicyCorporate InformationEmployment OpportunitiesFAQ Contact UsPrivacy NoticeTerms of UseTV Parental GuidelinesRSS FeedsAccessibility SupportPrivacy Settings ShowsThis HistoryScheduleTopicsStories HistoryScheduleTopicsStoriesUpdated Jun Original Apr ChernobylAuthor History com EditorsContentsWhere Is What Happened Pripyat Evacuated Soviet Secrecy Spewed Radiation Sarcophagus Elephant x s Foot How Many People Died in Exclusion Zone Animals Thrive Today Sources is a nuclear power plant Ukraine that was the site disastrous accident on April A routine test went horribly wrong and two massive explosions blew -ton roof off one reactors releasing times more radiation than atomic bomb dropped Hiroshima The worst disaster history killed workers within months least would be dead by acute exposure Eventually thousands people show signs health effects including cancer from fallout not only stoked fears over dangers it also exposed government lack openness to international community meltdown its aftermath drained Union billions clean-up costs led loss primary energy source dealt serious blow national pride Then-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev later say he thought C even my launch xA perestroika perhaps real cause collapse five years D Gallery Images Where located northern about miles north Kiev small town constructed few accommodate their families Construction began when country still part By four had been completed addition planned subsequent exercise whether an emergency water cooling system work during started m Within seconds uncontrolled reaction caused pressure build up Reactor No form steam blasted reactor plumes chunks burning radioactive debris About three second explosion hurled out additional fuel fire risking breach facility Automatic safety systems normally have kicked into action did because they shut down prior Debris after Credit Igor Kostin Sygma Getty Firefighters arrived scene minutes fight blaze without gear protect them soon number among Eyewitness accounts firefighters who helped battle fires described as tasting like metal feeling pain pins needles faces according CBC documentary series Witness Days many those It wasn t until following day Some hours Reactors were afternoon mobilized troops help rooftop furiously shovel spray keep cool picked minimize take nearly weeks extinguish all using sand lead nitrogen An abandoned bedroom Andreas Jansen Barcroft Media Meanwhile life usual for almost neighboring Aside sight trucks cleaning streets with foam there initially unfolding just away next evacuations residents Residents told days so took very little Most never return homes leadership inform occurred made no official statement global-scale Swedish leaders demanded explanation operators Stockholm registered unusually high levels near Finally Kremlin reported authorities handling followed state broadcast detailing U S Three Mile Island other incidents western countries May parades celebrate ahead Moscow Belarus capital Minsk hazardous amounts streaming wrecked unaware deaths hasty damaged released large quantity substances iodine- cesium- plutonium strontium- air period cloud deposited nearby dust but carried wind Russia Scandinavia parts oEurope attempt contain ordered dispatch hundreds military reservists miners aid corps worked steadily often inadequate protective through clear Exterior view sarcophagus built Over hurried construction crews erected steel cement entomb any further release As former liquidator Yaroslav Melnik BBC January We shifts seven time danger After finishing we d throw our clothes garbage Starting consortium organized building bigger secure New Safe Confinement tracks then slid existing November installation new structure one-tenth previous figures designed Elephants Universal Archive UIG via Deep basement lies huge mass melted concrete highly named wrinkled appearance which reminded some observers skin elephant leg foot gave estimated roentgens each hour enough kill person feet less rate roughly per declared died report United Nations Chornobyl Forum while fewer could eventually die excess linked Concerned Scientists thyroid cancers attributed Health remain unclear apart initial confirmed studies conducted assess liquidators populations study National Institutes concluded likely responsible being children or adolescents control panel unit inside exclusion zone Patrick Landmann Apart ever-unfolding human toll left behind area radiation-tainted land -mile-wide around isn considered safe habitation can used logging agriculture due contaminated plants soil however entrepreneurs found use territory December Ukrainian-German company Solar announced solar one-megawatt hundred fitted photovoltaic panels Ukrainian said collection companies develop megawatts That lot close output ruined At generate wildlife boars wolves beavers bison showed flourishing researchers pointed couldn good animals benefits absence humans outweighed risk Humans hand aren expected repopulate will live tourists visit appears frozen looting natural weathering encroachment nature True Scale Accident September World Organization updated Nuclear Association Effects Overview Legacy Years On Tom Burridge News Higher Cancer Risk Continues March Deaths Did Really Cause Lisbeth Gronlund Rule Decades John Wendle Geographic Brought Down Empire Economist Largest Moveable Steel Structure Shelters PhysOrg Pacific Northwest Laboratory Pictures Liquidators Endured Ago Marianne Lavelle Timeline Nightmare Kim Hjelmgaard USA Vast Tomb Dangerous Site Christian Borys Future Now Lessons Be Different Than Thought Ryan Faith Vice Don Know Roger Highfield Scientist Transformation Into Massive Plant Almost Complete David Nield Science Alert Famous Photo Radioactive Material Was Selfie Atlas Obscura Citation InformationArticle Title Author EditorsWebsite Name HISTORYURL https www topics chernobylAccess Date Publisher E Television NetworksLast Updated June Published Tagsterms ScienceDisastersBy Editors FACT CHECK strive accuracy fairness But if you see something doesn’t look right click here contact us VIDEOSMianus Bridge This ChernobylChallenger DisasterReagan Challenger Subscribe fascinating stories connecting past present SIGN UP RELATED CONTENT Things You Not turned station present-day consisted -megawatt plus under night technicians read moreChernobyl Meltdown Minute place deemed director didn bother showing quickly spiraled unexpected surge buildup Who Played Crucial Role World’s Worst When Atomic Energy Station exploded early precipitating resulted entirely factors fateful event continues revealed moreThe Cover-Up Officials Botched Evacuating Irradiated City world witnessed catastrophe spreading clouds Europe globe million curies moreExxon Valdez Oil Spill Exxon oil spill manmade tanker owned Shipping Company spilled gallons crude Alaska Prince William Sound moreHistory Disasters Built late largest oldest claim moreThree south central Pennsylvania mechanical errors commercial resulting partial dangerous moreChallenger Explosion NASA space shuttle liftoff bringing devastating end spacecraft th mission claimed lives astronauts aboard Christa McAuliffe teacher Hampshire Ghost Towns Abandoned Cities catastrophic sent flames material soaring skies city moreLoading See More Ad Support copy Networks LLC All Rights Reserved