www.biography.com – John Singleton – Movies, Family & Death – Biography

Screenwriter and director John Singleton’s ‘Boyz n the Hood’ led to an Academy Award for Best Director, making him the first African-American ever nominated.

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John Singleton Movies Family amp Death Biography PeopleNostalgiaCelebrityHistory CultureCrime ScandalVideoAboutContact UsAdvertisePrivacy NoticeTerms of UseCopyright PolicyAd ChoicesAccessibility SupportPrivacy Settings ScandalVideo Subscribe to NewsletterAboutPeopleNostalgiaCelebrityHistory Quick FactsNameJohn SingletonOccupationScreenwriter Producer DirectorBirth DateJanuary DateApril EducationUniversity Southern California’s School Cinematic ArtsPlace BirthLos Angeles CaliforniaPlace DeathLos CaliforniaFull NameJohn Daniel SingletonWho Was Cite This PageJohn Screenwriter Director ndash Updated Aug Original Apr and director Singleton’s ‘Boyz n the Hood’ led an Academy Award nomination for Best making him first African-American earn distinction Who was born on January in Los California His feature film debut xA Boyz Hood garnered followed win with Poetic Justice Higher Learning Subsequent works include apos s Rosewood Shaft remake Baby Boy In he produced Hustle Flow directed Four Brothers The filmmaker died April after suffering a stroke Profile He grew up South Central his work as producer screenwriter depicted these turbulent often violent roots studied screenwriting at University Arts winning three writing awards from university which contract Creative Artists Agency during sophomore year Columbia Pictures bought script budgeted it million portrayed life crime-ridden L A nominated youngest person ever award also Screenplay Both films examined modern race relations while they enjoyed success box office were not highly praised by critics effort historical drama starring Samuel Jackson critically acclaimed indie hit suffered placed medically induced coma Cedars-Sinai Medical Center passed away Fact Check We strive accuracy fairness If you see something that doesn’t look right contact us Citation InformationArticle Title BiographyAuthor com EditorsWebsite Name websiteURL https www biography john-singletonAccess Date Publisher E Television NetworksLast August Published BIOGRAPHY NEWSLETTER newsletter receive stories about people who shaped our world their lives SIGN UP MORE STORIES FROM BIOGRAPHYPersonJohn Wayne one most popular actors th century known roles such ‘True Grit’ ‘The Alamo PersonJohn Ritter Actor is best role Jack Tripper comedy series ‘Three’s Company performance earned Golden Globe Emmy Wooden American college basketball coach won record national championships over -year span UCLA Carpenter master horror created thriller ‘Halloween has inspired influenced countless other filmmakers Muir Naturalist writer advocate U S forest conservation founded Sierra Club helped establish Sequoia Yosemite National Parks Goodman actor Dan Connor sitcom ‘Roseanne several Emmys since starred number Belushi comedian performers ‘Saturday Night Live’ half Blues duo Denver folk music singer-songwriter had numerous hits including Take Me Home Country Roads Rocky Mountain High Steinbeck novelist Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Grapes Wrath well ‘Of Mice Men’ ‘East Eden Loading See More AboutContact Support copy logo are registered trademarks Networks LLC