www.biography.com – Simón Bolivar – Accomplishments, Facts & Death – Biography

Simón Bolívar was a Venezuelan military leader who was instrumental in the revolutions against the Spanish empire.

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Sim n Bolivar Accomplishments Facts amp Death Biography PeopleNostalgiaCelebrityHistory CultureCrime ScandalVideoAboutContact UsAdvertisePrivacy NoticeTerms of UseCopyright PolicyAd ChoicesAccessibility SupportPrivacy Settings ScandalVideo Subscribe to NewsletterAboutPeopleNostalgiaCelebrityHistory Quick FactsNameSim Bol varBirth DateJuly DateDecember Did You Know var called for the abolition slavery in later acknowledging that people his home region were a mix hues and backgrounds Place BirthCaracas VenezuelaPlace DeathSanta Marta ColombiaAKASimon BolivarFull NameSim Jos Antonio de la Sant sma Trinidad y PalaciosWho Was Cite This Page ndash Updated Aug Original was Venezuelan military leader who instrumental revolutions against Spanish empire Who xF xED South American soldier continent apos s Born into wealth sent Spain education soon deciding immerse himself political sphere Europe After France invaded he became involved resistance movement played key role fight independence In quot Republic Bolivia created honor inspirational hailed by many as El Libertador The Liberator xA Early Life xE Palacios born on July Caracas New Granada now Venezuela prosperous family took their money from rich gold copper mines they owned Young moved after deaths parents continued begun with tutors married Mar Teresa Rodr guez del Toro Alaysa When young couple returned visit however sickened died yellow fever Revolution her death B livar kept company Napoleon named Joseph Bonaparte King its colonies which included joined group based gained traveled Britain diplomatic mission control most back Finally began campaign wrest country He followers May this marked beginning Campa Admirable Campaign resulted formation Second year though civil war erupted republic forcing him flee Jamaica seek foreign aid There wrote famous Letter From detailing vision parliamentary setup modeled England life-long president His idea being nation chief could not be removed power would heavily critiqued other leaders intellectuals Gaining support Haiti number battles eventually able claim several territories saw creation Gran Colombia under leadership federation much what is Panama Ecuador Further maneuvers Dictator Peru followed had succeeded uniting America free but government fragile Despite desire create union states similar United States faced opposition internal factions throughout huge there push form single nations As temporary measure declared dictator September same escaped an assassination attempt mistress fellow revolutionary Manuela S enz resigned post made plans sail exile Legacy On December Santa battle may have been tuberculosis Today legacy can seen multitude statues plaza squares bearing likeness North Several cities towns are roads name found variety international locales including Egypt Australia Turkey Fact Check We strive accuracy fairness If you see something doesn’t look right contact us Citation InformationArticle Title BiographyAuthor com EditorsWebsite Name websiteURL https www biography political-figure simon-bolivarAccess Date Publisher A E Television NetworksLast August Published April BIOGRAPHY NEWSLETTER newsletter receive stories about shaped our world lives SIGN UP MORE STORIES FROM BIOGRAPHYPersonNeil Simon playwright Neil penned some Broadway’s memorable productions ‘The Odd Couple’ ‘Lost Yonkers PersonJean-Jacques Dessalines Jean-Jacques worked Toussaint L’Ouverture gave c PersonPaul Singer-songwriter Paul iconic figure rock music known work part duo Garfunkel long-running success solo artist PersonToussaint Haitian during French PersonSimon Cowell record producer media personality scathing critical remarks judge TV competition shows ‘American Idol X Factor’ ‘America’s Got Talent PersonJos San Mart Argentine statesman national hero helped lead rule Argentina Chile PersonDavy Crockett Davy frontiersman legendary folk three-time Congressman fought War at Alamo Texas PersonHern Cort Hern conquistador explored Central overthrew Montezuma vast Aztec won Mexico crown PersonDeng Xiaoping Deng Chinese communist powerful People’s China late until Loading See More AboutContact Support copy logo registered trademarks Networks LLC