
A 6,000-calories-a-day meal plan will likely lead to weight gain, even for active individuals. For the average person, this is three days' worth of food intake.

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twitter:title 6000 Calorie Meal Plan | Livestrong.com
twitter:description A 6,000-calories-a-day meal plan will likely lead to weight gain, even for active individuals. For the average person, this is three days' worth of food intake.
twitter:image https://img.livestrong.com/640/photos.demandstudios.com/getty/article/103/215/480178274.jpg
twitter:image:alt Thanksgiving dinner roast turkey
description A 6,000-calories-a-day meal plan will likely lead to weight gain, even for active individuals. For the average person, this is three days' worth of food intake.
parsely-title 6000 Calorie Meal Plan
parsely-link https://www.livestrong.com/article/462597-6000-calorie-meal-plan/
parsely-type post
parsely-image-url https://img.livestrong.com/640/photos.demandstudios.com/getty/article/103/215/480178274.jpg
parsely-pub-date 2011-06-04T21:26:00.000Z
parsely-section Weight Management
parsely-author Lucinda Honeycutt
parsely-tags Group 4,Group Renovation,RSS Exclude
datepublished 2011-06-04T21:26:00.000Z
datemodified 2020-01-09T23:57:38.377729+00:00

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Keyword Frequency

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Calorie Meal Plan Livestrong com