I know some of these words but I think they are grammatically incorrect.
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Keyword Frequency
mi | 5 |
novio | 5 |
donde | 3 |
estas | 3 |
by | 3 |
are | 3 |
boyfriend | 2 |
nov | 2 |
posted | 2 |
adreport | 2 |
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Donde estas mi novio SpanishDict Answers TranslationConjugationVocabularyGrammarPremiumLog inSign upHome Q amp A votes I know some of these words but think they are grammatically incorrect viewsupdated Nov posted by freemule Answer voteThe only things see wrong the missing tildes question marks and comma It should be iquest d oacute nde est aacute s where you my boyfriend or maybe mean is updated edited e report this adreport adSpanishDict world x most popular Spanish-English dictionary translation learning website Curiosity Media Inc FEATURESTranslationConjugationVocabularyGrammarWord DayABOUTAbout UsPrivacyTermsSite mapHelpSOCIAL NETWORKSFacebookTwitterAPPSiOSAndroid